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College boy in a sentence

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Sentence count:11Posted:2020-12-23Updated:2020-12-23
Similar words: collegecollege leveljunior collegecollege studenttraining collegecommunity collegedartmouth collegeelectoral collegeMeaning: n. a student (or former student) at a college or university. 
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1. A college boy died suddenly at the playground.
2. "Thinks, " says the college boy.
3. Failing to get a ticket home, a college boy (Xiao Gao) returned home safely after riding almost 800 kilometers and 7 and a half days by bike.
4. Inside the guards’ room, C-Note continues, “ Apparently, College Boy here did some math, and figured out we got one too many clowns in the car.
5. Zip-up college boy jackets and argyle quilted jackets are among the outerwear options, plus jackets, vests and pants in French terry.
6. Bill Gates started out a poor college boy; and now he is a billionaire.
7. He still likes that rushing - up - to - the - net bit in tennis, as if he were a college boy.
8. They have known for months, and when I asked why nobody told me, the reply was, "You're a college boy,[sentencedict .com] we thought you would figure it out."
9. "What did you think of my date last night?" asks the college boy.
10. But hard work done well was something he understood, even if he was the first college boy in his family.
11. "If you do anything to hurt my mother, I could put you in hospital, you know, " says the college boy, who is far bigger then the stepfather.
More similar words: collegecollege leveljunior collegecollege studenttraining collegecommunity collegedartmouth collegeelectoral collegecollegialcollegianpageboycollegiateintercollegiateallegeallegedallegedlytoll collectorit is alleged thatcolletcollectcolleendecolletecollectorto collectcollectedcolleaguerecollectre-collectcollectioncollect call
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